Delayed Success


Everyone wants to be successful in what they do. You want to advance, push the boundaries forward, and succeed in your endeavors. A strong desire for success makes for good developers, sales people, entrepreneurs, and leaders. But, when it comes to succeeding, sometimes things are out of your control. 

Sometimes you push and push and work and work, but it just doesn't move forward. And during seasons where success is delayed, a fixation with success can also make you miserable.  

It is easy to get frantic in discontentment. You are used to succeeding and you want to succeed, so you push even harder. You work even more. But you wear yourself out mentally, physically and emotionally.

You have a vision of success, and because you're reality doesn't match your vision, you can't rest. You can't enjoy life as it is. And those around you begin to notice. That's not healthy. 

One of the best things you can do during a season of delayed success is to find other outlets for connection with people, enjoyment of life, and learning. This can be a new hobby, working on lifestyle habits, other goals, or finding a new social outlet...something that takes you out of that fixation and gives you perspective. Focusing on other things can actually give you space and rest you need to approach things differently.  

When I was in graduate school, our exams were timed. There was pressure to get the test done quickly. Sometimes I'd get stuck on a question, unable to think of an answer. But I found that what helped was, right in the middle of the exam, was to get up and go sit in the back of the classroom and just take a break. 

I would leave my test face down on my desk. As I sat in the back, I would close my eyes or something so the professor would know I wasn't looking at other student's answers. But I would just take 5 minutes away from the test, away from the pressure to succeed and just rest. 

That five minutes away was so refreshing. I'd go back to my desk and find I could plow through the rest of the test towards finishing and succeeding. When it comes to succeeding, don't stop pushing. But when your pushing becomes frantic or you're so fixated on success that you can't enjoy life, it is time to pull back for rest and reflection. 

Life is still happening even when success is delayed. Don't miss it.

Author: Coach John