COVID-19 - It is an unfortunate reality for all of us. 

For the last two weeks, my coaches and I have had so many conversations with clients, with other professional friends and with family members who are feeling the effects of it.

We wanted to invite you in on some of the insights we have gained through those conversations. The most common issue seems to be leadership. 

You're probably thinking that you're not really in a leadership position. 

I'd like to challenge you on that. All it takes to be a leader is one follower. This really does apply to all of us.

It has been shocking how many people we've spoken to that have had a lack of communication from their leadership. 

For the love of all good things in this world, you must be communicating with your teams.

They are looking for someone right now with a steady hand...someone to be at the helm who, even though they don't have all the answers, are actively looking for them. 

People need to feel secure in a time where nothing seems secure. And the thing is, that's your job.

Even now as you're reading this blog post, you might be inundated with emails, text messages and phone calls from people who just want to know what's going on. 

You might be experiencing people whose productivity or quality of work is decreasing. Maybe there are rumors going around the company - those are always a lot of fun, right?

Here's the thing: You don't want to lose credibility or trust with you people during a time like this.

Communicate with them. Ask yourself: what does my team need to know in order to feel secure? Then find a way to communicate that in a way that's concise and frequent. 

They don't need 300 emails a day, but be in constant contact with them so they know you have their best interest at heart.

In a world that seems completely out of order, they need to know that there is structure and there is security somewhere. 

Be that leader for them today. 

We want to send a very special thank you to those of you who are in the front lines of this COVID-19 crisis. We're grateful for your work and for your service.

Sending all of you out there wishes of health and hope.

If you need anything, we are here. Don't hesitate to contact us. We're all in this together.