
There are a few absolutes in this world but one of them is this: at some point I will offend you, and at some point you will offend me. 

So as leaders, what does that mean? It means two things:

1- We have to lead from above

2- We have to lead from beside

Let's break these down: 

We have found that a bridge that connects two frustrated parties are clear systems.  As a leader, a way to lead from above it to create these systems, so that the work we are doing is measured objectively by those systems and not by people's emotions or opinions.

How then do you lead from beside? Without harping on this because I know we talk about it a lot....people need to be heard. 

We often think we are great listeners, but what does that really mean? Great listeners are intentional to:

  • Schedule time to listen

  • Listen to understand, not to respond

  • Listen without judgement

  • Ask powerful follow up questions 

In what areas can you and will you commit to being a better listener?

Identify people in your organizations who need that and then create a plan to make sure it happens. 

Systems, paired with culture will give you an organization that is healthy and thriving. If your team is in need of that, let us know.