Cash In On Kindness
/Kindness is a high value currency, and its expenditure returns magical results. One act of kindness can improve a person's entire day, and in return, improve your own.
People don't respond well to feeling disrespected. A really great way to repel others is to belittle or humiliate them. One tried and true way of earning the results you want is by practicing kindness.
Just one act of kindness causes a ripple effect of positivity that will inspire everyone who witnessed to continue being kind. Being kind to others, with no expectation of return just feels good.
It has been proven that being kind to others releases the love hormone oxytocin, which relieves stress and improves overall well being.
Here are three easy ways to cash in on kindness today:
1. SMILE! Smiles are surprisingly contagious, so don't be afraid to share your grin with everybody.
2. BE GRATEFUL! Showing genuine appreciation for others brings more to be grateful for.
3. COMPLIMENT! Let people know when they have done something well.
Implementing these three actions will benefit not just yourself, but everyone who interacts with you.
Are there any other acts of kindness that you practice daily? Tell me all about them in the comments below.
Author: Coach Gigi