Having a Hard Time Finding Work? This Will Help.

You might be looking for a job, but can't seem to land one. 

There are approximately 36 million Americans who are out of work. Most of those people will tell you work is hard to come by. They search and apply, they network and apply more and more, but never hear anything back. Is that you?

The reason might not be in your efforts, but in your resume. We recently worked with two individuals who both held executive positions at Fortune 500 companies. Both are highly experienced, credentialed and respected. 

They were looking for a career change and they did what many people do. They started applying to dream jobs via the internet, but to no avail.

Here's why: when you submit a resume online, it is processed through a software program with algorithms that are looking for very specific keywords. 

If your resume does not include those exact words, it is tossed before it ever reaches the eyes of a human being. 

When applying for a job, research the qualifications and description of that job and customize your resume to that position, using the same keywords. 

Newsflash: you don't have one resume. You have one resume template, which is then updated per job application

Does this overwhelm you? Give us a call today. We have certified resume reviewers waiting to help you find your next job.